Monday, September 20, 2010

Get Some

So, if anyone ever reads this from the URL (which I doubt happens) you're every confused. I decided to scrap the posts I had from before, rename it, and start over. I just totally forgot about the last one and left it without friendly posts and ramblings. Now I feel bad.

Of course, one of the first things when doing an introductory post is well, introduce yourself. I'm Sami, I'm fourteen, and I like doing everything teenagers like to do, except get some sun. *whew* That's over. Kidding. XP I like to read, write, play deliciously violent video games, draw, and watch more deliciously violent movies. I'm fairly boring on a good day, and don't get into hyper spastic moods that make me spew out happy thoughts very often. (Which, let me tell you, isn't necessarily a good thing...)

Okay, now I'm seriously done with that. I'll post my links to other sites, but if you found this, you were probably already on one of those sites.


But yeah...I'm kinda shying away from my writing right now, but I'll get back into it pretty soon, I think. Right now I'm really hooked on doing photomanipulation, and find it amusing. I haven't quite mastered actual digital drawing yet, so that's why I haven't put any of them up. I still need to find a good program, which is proving to be pretty difficult. *mumbles under breath* Wait *took hour away from writing this to find one* Got it!

So yeah. That's me. Don't like it? Go away or I'll eat your face. Yes, even if I am a vegetarian, I will eat your face.